Homemaking - Skill Building

How to Give the Best Gifts on a Budget

With the holidays around the corner, we’re all starting to think about those we love most and how to best show them that love through a gift. Sometimes, that can be difficult, because personalized gifts, or the things that would be the most useful to someone can get quite pricey. And figuring out what to get another adult can be confusing. If we have a need, we usually just go and buy it, so it’s not like we can buy each other things we need, because well… we don’t really need much in today’s society.

But you still want to give special gifts to show others you love them. And this is where hand-made gifts come in! These gifts don’t have to be anything elaborate, and you don’t necessarily have to learn anything new to make them! Simply use the skills you already have to make someone feel special.


One of the biggest, and honestly most expensive, things you can give during the holidays are cards. Cards can be filled with photos, bookmarks, cash, or gift cards. Whether you can draw, paint, do graphic design, or some other art form you can make a card! And if you have kids, you can even recruit them to help. This can save you so much money and add a personal touch to any gift.

Food Gifts

If you have a signature dish, or you make bread, or spend your time canning, you can give food gifts this year! Last year, I had just learned to can, so I made a big batch of jelly and gave them to each of my family members, and made loaves of quick bread for our extended family as well. It gave me opportunity to practice that recipe, and my family loved it! Christmas has just about rolled back around, and my family stills asks me for bread when I visit home. Food is such a communal and personal thing; people feel so loved when you put time and effort into something they’ll enjoy.

If making the food isn’t an option, print out the recipe and include it in a mailed card, or put the dry ingredients in a jar with the recipe attached if giving in person. These are some of my favorite things to receive.

Décor Gifts

As homemakers, many of us are able to beautify a home with our skills. If you’ve picked up sewing, you can make some pillow covers, place mats, ornaments, or anything else you can find a pattern for. If you’ve got a knack for wood burning, engrave something special into a cutting board. Whatever way you beautify your own home, share it with others.

Gifts for Kids

Many of the previous Ideas can be used for kids as well. Simple wooden cars or blocks can be small toys that won’t break easily or make too much noise when they make it home. Use sewing skills to make a simple stuffed animal for the little ones you love. If you crochet, you might make a blanket for a new baby.  Kids also love to get snacks as gifts, so if you make great homemade snacks, you can throw those in too!

Second-hand gifting

While this might not be perfectly hand-made, you can certainly save yourself some cash this way. If you have books that you don’t intend to read again, gift them. A too-small sweater that’s still in great condition? Gift it! And absolutely keep your eyes peeled at all thrift stores, estate sales, and antique shops. These are great places to find unique gifts that are sure to be sentimental.

If you want to make your gift shopping more fun, commit to only shopping antique, or only hand making, or only food gifts for a season or even a year. One Christmas, I decided to do all antique gifts, and it forced me to really take my time and think about each person I was shopping for. This past year, I have committed to making all of my own cards for birthdays and anniversaries. It has been a challenge and sometimes cards just don’t make it in the mail, but the ones that have were really special and personal.

I hope this post has encouraged and challenged you to think about how you can use your skills to gift in the future.

Make sure you follow me on social media to see my ideas for handmade Christmas gifts this year!

I can’t wait,
