
How To Create a Cozy Home Without Buying More Décor

The cooler mornings have arrived, and with that, I know you’re probably itching to put out the fall décor. I, too, love the warm tones of red and orange, and the pumpkins and gourds galore. In years past, I couldn’t wait to decorate for fall, inside and out, but I found myself wanting to buy new trendy decorations every year, even when I really did not have the money to be spending. Over the last couple of years, I have wanted to create a cozy environment in my home without buying more decorations, and I’m here to tell you it is not only possible, but so so easy!

Have you ever walked into a room and a familiar scent overwhelms you, taking you back to the memory of a moment, a place, or even a person? What about certain meals? For me, there are many things that transport me back in time, stirring emotions and causing me to slow down.

I’m sure you’ve had experiences like this, and this is because all 5 of our physical senses are working at all times to gather information and form memories. You know them- sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

So, why is it, when we’re aiming to create a cozy space, we default to sight?

An important part of creating a cozy space is considering all facets and methods in which the people in your home will perceive it. I’ve talked a little about this in my posts on hosting and hospitality, but this post gets a little more specific to the holiday seasons when you might have more visitors and want them to feel warm and comfortable.

It’s important to practice basic hospitality habits like a clean space and anticipating possible needs of guests, but once you have those down, you can focus on the broader experience. Let’s dive into each of our 5 physical senses and explore ways to create warmth without more décor.

  1. Sight: I know this post is mostly about steering away from the visual, since it’s the common default, but there are other things you can do to make a space visually warm and inviting.
    • Room Orientation– rearrange a communal room to feel more close-knit and conversational. As mentioned in my recent post, modern open-concept homes can make this more difficult, but it isn’t impossible. Do your best to arrange seating in a manner that encourages good conversation, and make sure that everyone, do matter where they are sitting, has a place to set a warm beverage. I know we live in the age of minimalism, but trust me, this makes a huge difference.
    • Lighting– As the seasons change, the days get shorter, meaning sundown happens earlier in the evening. We can tap into this aspect of the season by leaning into warmer lighting. Now, I’m not saying you have to go crazy and switch every light in your house to a warmer hue. But what you can do is begin to use lamps more and overhead lighting less. You won’t believe the difference it makes.
  2. Sound: We live in a world where we constantly have some kind of entertainment at our fingertips. In fact, I’m listening to music as I write this, and I chose a playlist specific for working. We have music for different occasions, and it can really do a lot to set a mood and create an experience. You can easily boost your ‘cozy’ factor by turning up a seasonal playlist or some relaxing instrumental music. Whether orchestral, choral, or big band jazz, this can make a huge difference.
  3. Smell: Scents can remind us of so many things. Walking through a department store, you may walk through a cloud of fragrance that reminds you of that grandparent you haven’t hugged in all-too-long. The smell of a charcoal grill can transport you to a summer cookout with old friends. Our sense of smell does a lot to rouse memories and emotion, and you can play into this when you’re creating a cozy space. Light an autumn-inspired beeswax candle, diffuse some warm-scented oils, or bake some fresh goodies to fill your home with the smells of fall.
  4. Taste: After you’ve baked your cinnamon rolls, enjoy them! As humans, so much of our nature and relationships revolve around food. In the colder seasons, focus on warming dishes that highlight seasonal ingredients like root vegetables and gourds.
  5. Touch: This is an area that we all take advantage of but don’t think about too much. Varied textiles can create a warming, cozy environment. If you have extra blankets, pull them out and make them available for your family and guests as needed.

As you can see, there are so many ways to bring the warmth of Fall to your home. Whether you’re hosting many guests or just spending time with your nuclear family, these ideas can help you make the most of the season and create memories that will last a lifetime.

If you have any other tips for creating a cozy space, leave a comment here! I’d love to hear from you. Remember that you can slowly move into the seasons. Part of keeping up the cozy is taking time to do things slowly and enjoy them.

Until Next Time,


2 Comments on “How To Create a Cozy Home Without Buying More Décor

  1. Thanks for these reminders Bekah! As one that is living “space challenged” I often forget about lighting and textures. Such a great way to live cozy. 😍

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