
Handmade Christmas Gifts

Having a family as large as ours, I often find myself having a hard time with Christmas gifts for one reason or another. We have so many people to keep track of, everyone is different. And what do you buy for the person who has everything they need and wants for nothing? It can be hard to budget and shop for those we love, because we often struggle to find the perfect (and unique) gift.

The best way I’ve found to ease this stress during the holidays is to make a gift myself. Sometimes only partially, and sometimes completely, but even just a handmade gift tag can take a seemingly ‘boring’ gift and make it unique and personal.

Artistic or not, the Lord has given each of us different gifts and talents to love and serve those around us. These skills are right where you’ll find that your gift-giving abilities really start to shine.

This being said, here are some suggestions for gifts to give this holiday season based on skills to share.

From the Baker:

  • A jar of dry ingredients for your favorite baked good with a recipe attached
  • Pre-baked treats with a recipe attached
  • Dried sourdough starter with feeding instructions and a basic loaf recipe
  • A collection of your favorite recipes
  • Bag of assorted holiday treats

From the Canner:

  • Homemade jam, jelly, preserves, or spread
  • Homemade salsa with a bag of chips
  • Homemade marinara sauce with a package of pasta
  • Homemade bone broth

From the Sewer:

  • Hand-sewn stuffed animal
  • Pillow or pillow cover
  • Blanket or quilt
  • Clothing item or accessory
  • Bowl covers
  • Tea towels

From the Herbalist:

  • Tinctures
  • Skin care products
  • Tea blends

From the Artist:

  • Hand-painted picture or sign
  • Embroidery piece
  • Stickers of your own digital art
  • Hand-made ornaments

Other Gift Ideas:

  • Homemade soap
  • Hand-painted cards
  • Handmade gift-card holder

Not only are these gifts customizable and unique, but the time taken to make them allows you to spend specific time in prayer for that person. Obviously, the act of prayer does not ‘bless’ the item or make it sacred or special by any means, but the time taken to pray for a loved one sets our minds on things above and can foster a closeness not only with the Lord but also with the person you are praying for.

I have found that my attitude improves, and the Lord gives me a heart of generosity when I take the time to make a gift myself. There is so much good that comes from sharing our God-given abilities.

Let me know what you plan to make for your loved ones this year. Leave a comment here or tag me on social media. I’d love to see your creative side!

Until next time,
